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Болтаем на свободную тему на английском

Опубликовано: 3746 дней назад (29 ноября 2014)
Блог: Канада
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 0
Yo, what's up people? Let's get this going!

What do you guys think of Euromaidan and current situation in Ukraine?

гражданство через замужество | Канада vs Аргентина. А может в Канаду через Аргентину?
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:04
Look, I think that you dramatize the situation. Just imagine that there are canadian people somethere who are in danger. I think Canada would enter troops in same situation. It's not an invasion. Russians won't go forward, believe me. Putin isn't so crazy as you think. Sorry for my poor gramatics, I'm just learning. P.S. I'm just afraid of closing the entrance of russians to Canada, because my family wants to do it next year.
Tatiana Mashkova # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:04
What makes me really concerned is that most people believe in what they read and hear from the news. People, please get some critical thinking.
Дмитрий Григоренко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:05
Tatiana, please get some information from the inside!
Дмитрий Григоренко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:05
Canada and Ukraine have strong mutual relationships, Canada already called back its ambassador from Russia and threatened to ignore the G8 Sochi summit. That's why it will surely be more difficult for Russians to get Canadian visa due to worsening relationships between two countries in the spotlight of Ukrainian crisis.
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:05
Дмитрий, It's awful I think. Why do we have to suffer because of politicians?
Space Illusion # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:06
Вадим, counterquestion, whe do we (Ukraine) have to suffer because of geopolitical interests. I dont want my country to be place where USA and Russia sort out their relationships. So unfair.
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:06
Just imagine that there are canadian people somethere who are in danger. I think Canada would enter troops in same situation - I am pretty sure Canada would move or organize the moving of its citizens from the dangerous location. All normal countries do like this.
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:06
Actually, I expected faster reaction of the US and the EU. Unfortunately, they still can not understand completely what happens in Ukraine.
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:07
Space, so where are you from? Have ever been to Crimea? People of Crimea always consider themselves as russians. They just want to be russians, what's wrong with it?
Space Illusion # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:08
Вадим, they dont want to be russian, they are afraid. I live in Zaporizhzhia close to Crimea, on 5th of March some people want to go on streets and ask russians to come to my city, i dont want russian to come here, i am pissed.
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:09
People of Crimea always consider themselves as russians. - People of Crimea?? Who? Crimean Tatars? They never consider themselves Russians :) You know that Crimea is not populated just with Russians. There are also Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians and we should respect them as well because Crimea is the same motherland for them as for many Russians who live over there.
Space Illusion # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:09
Unknown, i like it when russians come and state smth about Ukraine.
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:09
Unknown, yes, I think it's very drammatic situation. But as you know democracy is an opinion of most. Just about 13% of population are tatarians in Crimea.
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:10
Space, i'm afraid too. We should rely on sanity by politicians.
Space Illusion # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:10
Sanity is never on first place when it is about power and money.
Вадим Андриевский # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:13
Space,yes, it is, you are right. However, I hope Ukrains and Russians will sit at the negotiating table. We all want just peace.
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:13
Vadim, Crimea, having some autonomous rights, anyway, is a part of Ukraine where the percentage of the Russian population is about 17% and in this case they can not be majority and consequently have an opinion of most.
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:13
First of all we have to state that there is no threat for Russians in Crimea.
Space Illusion # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:14
Вадим, ask Putin what he wants! It all depends on him.
Unknown On # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:14
Вадим, definitely, Ukrainians and Russians do not want to fight, however as I see Putin does not care about it. He still does not want to talk to the Ukrainian side in the solving of the problem.

Социальная сеть для общения рускоязычных жителей Канады