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Социальная сеть для общения рускоязычных жителей Канады


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Опубликовано: 3746 дней назад (29 ноября 2014)
Блог: Канада
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 0
Yo, what's up people? Let's get this going!

What do you guys think of Euromaidan and current situation in Ukraine?

гражданство через замужество | Канада vs Аргентина. А может в Канаду через Аргентину?
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:53
Partially the history of Canada was made in maritime provinces, so there are many historical sites, but if you want that and plus benefits of big cities then i would suggest Quebec or Ontario, sorry cant say exactly where to go. The best would be to have a route and just stop wherever you want, this way you can see more, compare to just staying in one place
Женя Змаженко # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:53
Hi, guys. I wanna go and live in Canada;(
Пётр Крамер # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:54
London is the capital of Great Britain
Макс Feniks # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:54
Пётр, oh lol)
Михаил Левин # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:55
What my dream is it is to take a Trans Canada Railway trip and just zip through the whole country, visiting each city small or large on each stop. There are short trips, just about 7 days long, and there are longer ones. I'd take a long one.

Once there was a program on HGTV, one of first true HD programs. It was made by a lady who took that trip and filmed just everything, and interviewed passengers and staff! The show was amazing.

The train got a special sort of car attached, which has an observation upper-deck, so anyone could just stay there and have a 360 degrees view. The last car also got an observation deck at the tail.

Would I have a month worth of vacation, it'd take that one from Vancouver all the way down to Halifax.
Сергей Тихонюк # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:55
hi guys. im going to study in canada next year. i chose a Lambton college in Toronto MBCT program (an agent helped me).
Сергей Тихонюк # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:55
im learning english now, and need some practice in writing) can you guys mark my mistakes and help me?) thank you
Максим Милитанов # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:55
Sergey, i think you're doing pretty good, can see nothing wrong
Сергей Тихонюк # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:56
Максим, thanks, I'm know I'm doing good, I need a practice in writing , need to chat with someone, and please you to help me. And correct my mistakes in writing )
Сергей Тихонюк # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:56
Anyone with good English ?
Константин Шендеров # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:56
Hmm.. English speakers club? That's a good idea =) So it wold be great if somebody tell me about most interesting places in Toronto. I'm going to visit Toronto for a couple of days in October and looking for any info about the city. Also it would be great to find locals or travel buddies who wants to go with me to Niagara Falls or just walk around the city =)
Елена Петрова # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:56
Hello all!

Join our online conversation and practice English with native speakers!

Sign up today at: http://www.studytipz.com/home/learning-english-with-a..
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Ирина Караваева # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:57
Сергей, your english level seems pretty good. For how long you've been studying it?
Сергей Тихонюк # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:59
Ирина, I've never studying English. I've used 3 minutes for that sentence (
Ирина Караваева # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:59
Сергей, It's OK) At least you do your best to succeed)
Інна Рамська # 29 ноября 2014 в 23:59
Hello everyone! Canada is my dream-country! I've never been there, but I have a strong desire to live in Canada. I don't know how to star the process of immigration. Is it real to move to Canada?
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Социальная сеть для общения рускоязычных жителей Канады